Project Updates
Sandco LLC, Brandon Hill Drainage Improvements contractor began mobilization Monday, June 29, 2020. The construction of the project will be completed by February 2021 weather permitting. Construction hours will generally be from 7:30 a.m. to 7 p.m. on weekdays and 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturdays.
As part of continued efforts to reduce street, yard and potential flooding issues along Brandon Hill Drive and Edenderry Drive, the City of Tallahassee is implementing the Bandon Hill Drainage Improvement Project. Residents on Brandon Hill Drive Drive have reported street and yard flooding that has come close to entering their homes. To address these issues, staff studied the existing hydrologic and hydraulic conditions of the project area and developed and evaluated engineering design alternatives.
The selected alternative consists of constructing a new stormwater pond with an architectural face retaining wall on property currently owned by the Killearn Golf and Country Club on the west side of the road across from 4029 Brandon Hill Drive. This will reduce stormwater runoff during heavy rainfall events and minimize street, yard and potential downstream flooding. A new, high-capacity stormwater inlet will also be constructed along Brandon Hill Drive to increase intake capacity and manage roadway runoff.
Recently, the City of Tallahassee reached an agreement with the Killearn Golf and Country Club owner to obtain the property rights necessary to construct the proposed stormwater pond. The final engineering design of the project is underway, which includes preparation of construction documents and environmental permitting. Construction of the project is anticipated to take place in the early summer and winter of 2020.
For additional information, please contact Fernando S. Francisco, E.I., City of Tallahassee Engineering Division, at 850-891-6861,
![project map](/Uploads/Public/Images/you/brandon1.png)
![project street view](/Uploads/Public/Images/you/brandon2.png)
Frequently Asked Questions
When will construction start, and how long will it last?
Construction to begin June 1, 2020 and last approximately 7 months.
Will the project impact neighborhood trees?
The project improvements were designed to minimize impacts to existing trees, but unfortunately, not all impacts can be avoided, which will require some tree removal. Digging around the root system of a tree may harm the health of the tree and can increase the likelihood of it uprooting and toppling during high winds. The City is working with an arborist to develop mitigation strategies to preserve as many trees as possible and to identify those trees that will be impacted by construction activities.
Will construction be disruptive to the neighborhood?
While construction of this type can be disruptive, the City will do everything possible to minimize inconveniences to residents. Construction hours will normally begin after sunrise and end prior to sunset, with no construction allowed on Sundays within the neighborhood. Roadway detours, if needed, will be clearly marked, so vehicular access to homes is always maintained.
Who will be in charge of construction?
The project will be constructed by Sandco LLC however the City will oversee all construction activities and will have a full-time inspector available to address any issues that arise during construction. The City inspector is Aron White who may be reached at 850-545-7259.
Will this project prevent future flooding in the neighborhood?
Like other older neighborhoods in Tallahassee, Killearn Estates was developed without adequate drainage infrastructure, and to retrofit the neighborhood to today’s standards is not feasible. During intense rainfall events, Brandon Hill Drive and Edenderry Drive will still experience yard and roadway flooding, and even structural flooding during the most extreme events; however, the proposed project improvements will significantly reduce the frequency and severity of flooding conditions.
Who can I talk with if I have questions or concerns?
Please contact Fernando Francisco, E.I., City of Tallahassee Engineering Division at 850-891-6861 or 850-491-3677, or City’s construction representative Mr. Aron White at 850-545-7259, Aron is also available to meet one-on-one to discuss the project.
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